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Island Project Checklist

18 Dec

As these projects are getting closer and closer to being completed use the checklist below to make sure that you have all of the pieces of the project included in your report (AND in order)

1) Title Page

2) Written Introduction to your island

3) Political Map

4) Physical Map

5) Topographic Map with Island Profile

6) Paragraph on your island’s food production

7) Paragraph on your island’s main industry

8) Climate Graph

9) Brief Climate Graph written description

10) Island Sculpture Project Booklet:

                  – Completed Facts in Brief Sheet

                  – Map Scale sheets (x2)

                  – Point-to-Point Measurements Sheet

                  – 2 Paragraph Outlining Sheets (if you used them, this was not a requirement)

AND of course…

The painted, labelled Island Sculpture with a legend, compass and title

Map Legend Examples – yours can be much more simple

18 Dec


Report Day

18 Dec

Stack of Documents


17 Dec


If you are in the Library Lab today working on your Reports please post in the comment section below your progress:

Research Day/Paint Wrap-up

17 Dec


Today is a research day for your island projects … we might have a little time to paint


Paint Day

16 Dec


Today we are painting our island’s

Climate Graph Paragraphs = Second Drafts

13 Dec

I will collect second drafts of Climate Paragraphs next week. You will recieve the highest mark between the Climate and Kenya paragraphs…

Last day to hand them in: Friday, December 20th, 2013 (NO LATES)

Total GDP versus GDP per capita

10 Dec

The Total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is determined by a simple equation:

(crop sales + main industry) = Total GDP

So what does this mean?
It means that the Total GDP of your island is determined by adding together your Net Value of Crops per Annum (the total dollar amount that your island earns for selling its agriculture, locally or internationally) PLUS the Net Value of your Main Industry per Annum (the total dollar amount that your island earns for selling its main industry)

For example:
If my Island of Clarkeville’s Net Value of Crops per Annum is $12,345,345
and the Net Value of my Main industry per Annum is $23,112,345
$12,345,345 + $23,112,345 = $35,457,690

So the Total Gross Domestic Product of Clarkeville is $35,457,690
(just shy of $35.5 million dollars)


Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per Capita is the total goods and services in one year divided by the population in that same year.
Ultimately the GDP per Capita gives a rough estiamte of how the nations wealth would look if spread equally amongst its citizens

The equation is as follows:

Total GDP / Population of the same year = GDP per Capita

For Example: We return to Clarkeville again:

The Total GDP of Clarkeville is $35,457,690
The Total population of Clarkeville is 1,406,258

$35,457,690 / 1,406,258 = 25.2142138

The Gross Domestic Product per Capita in Clarkeville is $25.21

So what does this mean?
This means that in Clarkeville if the yearly weath was divided amongst its citizens they would each recieve $25.21
Is this good?

Check out how this compares to other places in the world by folowing the link below and respond in the comments section below:

Main Industry

10 Dec

What is your Island’s main industry?

Popular main industries are:
1) Service Sector (places that sell products to people such as retail outlets, or services)

2) Manufacturing (do you have a factory on youir island that builds parts for computers? Airplanes?)

3) Energy (Do you have an untapped oil reseve on your island that you export to other countries in need of energy? Maybe you have a series of windmills, turbines, solar panels or other sustainable energy sources that are going to revolutionize the world’s energy consumption)

4) Agriculture (If your island produces HUGE amounts of produce you could rely on the income from agricultural sales as your main industry)
Things to consider about this option:
– What about a year with bad growing conditions, weather, or crop yield?
– Do you have enought produce to feed your own citizens as well as export… always try to export more than you need to import

NOW…. What is your main industry?
AND…. Who will you be selling to?
AND…. What will your Net Value of Industry per Annum be?

Net Value of Crop(s) per Annum

9 Dec

Determining your Net Value of Crop(s) will take a little research.

Here’s the steps:
1) Determine what your crop(S) are
2) Google how much crop you can yield (means: grow) on your total amount of land per year
[Think about growing 2-3 crops at different times of the year]
3) Determine what your crop sells for per unit (use the link below for most of them)

Click to access CropValuSu-02-15-2013.pdf

4) Multiply the price per-unit by the units grown per year to determine your Net value of Crop per Annum

What is your main crop?
How much will you yield yearly?
What is the price per unit? (What is the unit…. for example: what is a bushel compared to?)
What is your Net Value per Annum?